Monday, November 24, 2014

We have been busy the last few weeks.  We are taking this week off to celebrate Thanksgiving then we'll have two more weeks of school before Christmas Break!
Austin has been working on addition facts.  Here we played a matching game where you had to find two numbers that equal 10.

Austin and Adelaide made jet packs (foil covered cereal boxes).  I forgot to get a picture of the final jet packs but they really liked them.

Adelaide has almost finished her two-year-old books.  Austin has finished his kindergarten math book and has started first grade math and he will finish kindergarten language by Christmas break.

Austin made a jester to go with the knights we have been learning about this month.

Adelaide loves Play-Doh and plays with it almost every day.

We just started an advent Bible study using the Jesus Storybook Bible.  The kids used Duplos to make a Tower of Babel.

Then we learned about God's promise to Abraham and did a craft to help us remember.

Gavin has finally finished his feudalism diorama.  It took a while but I think it was worth it.  Gavin had fun planning each box and deciding what to put in it to be as accurate as possible.