Saturday, September 27, 2014

This week Gavin was learning about the Earth and the Moon in science.  He learned how to turn a needle into a compass.
Austin and Adelaide did a craft where they used a medicine dropper to drop blue and green water (colored with food coloring) on to a coffee filter.  It was supposed to make it look like the Earth but when ours dried it was still white.  Maybe I didn't use enough food coloring...  The kids had fun making them though so it wasn't a total loss.

Adelaide loves Play-Doh!  She plays with it daily which is good in that it keeps her busy and bad in that it makes a mess.  We made this blue Play-Doh together a couple weeks ago.  We put glitter in it  and it's her favorite.  The other day she made this and happily went around the house to show everyone her 'cake'.

Austin works  very diligently in his handwriting.  I think it's his favorite subject!  Very different from Gavin who hated copywork!

Adelaide working on one of her Kumon books.

Here's Austin's copywork page.

Austin and I read a book about the moon and then used Oreo cookies to show the phases of the moon.

Any activity with food is always a winner!

 Austin is playing a lot of math games to learn his numbers.
And, we finally finished our Viking ship!

It took a while but the kids love it.  The sail should be in the middle but we used artistic license to put it in the back so all the kids could play in it at the same time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Adelaide continues to join us at school.  She takes er work very seriously.

Austin is learning how to skip count, even and odds and some geometry.

We also played some math games to review what he's been learning.

We are making a Viking ship out of a big box.  I kind of forgot to take pictures but I cut the sides of the box to resemble a boat and the kids all painted shields to go on the sides.  That's all we got done this week.
Adelaide got to paint just for fun.

Austin painted a Styrofoam ball with glow in the dark paint to make a planet.  We didn't get it finished though.  We kind of got behind this week.

Here's Gavin finishing his shield.

Friday, September 12, 2014

This week we have started learning about Vikings!  The boys are very excited about it.
Austin has been learning the concept of even and odd numbers, how to count by 10s and how to count by 2s.

Last Friday, Gavin practiced painting like Giotto by using soft pastels to draw on rocks.

Adelaide continues to be hard at work doing 'school'.

Austin is halfway done with his kindergarten math book already.  He is flying right through it!

On this day he was working more on even and odd and counting skills.  Then we played a even/odd matching game.


The boys made Viking runes out of salt dough.

After shaping a tablet they carved the runes into the dough.

Adelaide really enjoys puzzles right now.

And she loves to play with Minnie Mouse!

On Monday a praying mantis got caught between the glass door and the screen so we had a nice long look at him.

Gavin read about King Alfred the Great so we made King Alfred cakes.  They turned out really good but the kids ate them before I remembered to take a picture of the finished product!

Gavin learned how they use radar to map the surface of Venus.  I put balled up paper into the bottom of a shoe box and covered it with a cloth.  Then he divided it out into boxes and poked a skewer through each box to check the depth.  I had drawn four inches on the skewer in different colors to compare depths.

He recorded the color (depths) into his science journal.

The kids made Viking masks.
And today Gavin learned about Christian symbols in early medieval artwork and then used watercolors to make his own knight horse with shepherd and lamb nearby.