Thursday, September 4, 2014

This week the kids worked on a science (space) craft.  Originally I was just going to have Austin and Adelaide do it since I feel like Gavin's getting to the point where he's too old for basic craft projects.  But, I decided to let him join in on this one and I was glad I did.  It was time consuming, but the kids had a great time working on it together and the final product turned out really neat.  On Tuesday, the kids painted the planets (various sized Styrofoam balls cut in half ).  They also made their sun by painting orange onto black foam board and then using a sponge to go over it with yellow paint.  This made the sun look really neat!

Adelaide is still working on gluing.  Today she practiced cutting with scissors too.

She did some number puzzles.  She is counting 1-3.

Today the kids glued their planets onto their foam board.  They made sure to put them in the right order.  Then they added star and moon stickers and painted some of the planets with glow-in-the-dark paint.  They just put swirls and stuff on the planets in a similar color.

Adelaide's sun has lots of solar flares coming off it and she only had seven planets because she lost interest before we got to poor Pluto, which may be a dwarf planet or may not be a planet at all but we included it either way.  We used silver sparkly pipe cleaners for the ring around Saturn.

Here they are adding stickers.  They used silver foil star stickers and a few glittery, puffy space stickers I found in the craft closet.

And the glow-in-the-dark paint.

Austin is doing great with his cursive writing.  I think his handwriting is very neat considering he's only been writing in cursive a few weeks!

Here are the final space projects!  The kids are super proud of them!

We've read lots of books this week and I'm too lazy to find pictures.  Gavin has been reading about Charles "The Hammer" Martel and Charlemagne.  He really likes Charlemagne.  Austin read a little about the Middle Ages in general.

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