Sunday, November 8, 2015

For the next few weeks we will be studying the paintings of Mary Cassatt.  On Monday we discussed some of her paintings and focused on how people were dressed and the patterns she used for their clothes and surroundings.  Then the boys worked on making plaid hats since each of the ladies in the paintings was wearing a hat.  I brought out some plaid shirts and we talked about how plaid was designed with patterns and then the boys went to work designing their hats.

Then they glued a silhouette head into their art books and added the hat on top.

This is Austin's plaid hat.

And this is Gavin's hat.

We continued working on our Lewis and Clark discovery posters this week.  We spent one day adding plants and one day adding animals.  The boys glued on the pictures I had copied from the computer then added the common name and Latin name to identify the picture.

In science we learned about the five senses.  We did an experiment (I don't think it was too accurate because the boys were very excited about it) where we blindfolded Austin and Gavin helped him smell, then taste different items I had picked out.

We did another experiment where we blindfolded someone and then I went to different places and hit a plastic bottle.  The blindfolded person then had to point to where I was.  Then the blindfolded person covered one ear and we tried it again.  The boys learned that we need both ears to accurately determine where a noise is coming from.
Here are pictures of our final day working on our Lewis and Clark posters.

And here are the final posters.  I made them label in pencil since they still make a lot of mistakes so you can't see it but they are labelled. 

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