Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's been a while since I posted but we have been enjoying the Christmas season.  We took a couple weeks off from school to focus on Christmas and so we would have time to do some fun activities together.  Let me just apologize now for all the many pictures in this post.
The kids made horse cookies for Mark, the horse they ride during their lessons.  They were mostly oats, carrots and molasses.  Mark seemed to really enjoy them.  The kids certainly enjoyed making them.

They were very sticky to roll and put on the cookie sheet to cook.

Austin and Adelaide made a few Christmas crafts.  The first one was this very simple Christmas tree decorated with buttons.

They also made these 'stain glass' Nativity scenes.

Their favorite craft this month was these toy soldiers out of a popsicle stick.  They were able to paint them all on their own and they turned out really cute.

Sorry this is sideways but the bottom one is Austin's and the top one is Adelaide's.  I added the face but they painted the rest.  We used the sponge part of a sponge paint brush for the hats.

The kids also made a gingerbread house.  It was a very serious undertaking.

It won't win any contests, but it's still standing and they enjoyed making it.

We also celebrated Gavin's 10th birthday!

He had a Carolina Panthers cookie cake.

Happy Birthday Gavin!

That has been our December.  The kids are very excited to celebrate Christmas tomorrow!

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