Saturday, February 13, 2016

We are enjoying our study about the Wild West and the Oregon Trail this week.  Our artist of the month is Frederic Remington.  The boys did chalk landscapes and we added silhouettes of cactus and a coyote.

This is Austin's drawing.

This is Gavin's drawing.

We did another history pocket this week.  The boys wrote about life in a covered wagon and decorated the top flap (you flip it open and the story is underneath).  Austin drew a buffalo on his wagon.

We made a map of the Oregon Trail and the Mormon Trail.

It's hard to see but the wagons stand up on the paper.

And of course, this week was Adelaide's birthday.  Her birthday fell on a Wednesday and we had church so her 'party' wasn't until Thursday.

She got a new jacket for spring,

And an umbrella,

And some books,

Some new Play-Doh,

and Pink Glitter Shoes!!!!

Then we had cake.  Peppa Pig of course...she's supposed to be jumping in muddy puddles with her family.

She had trouble blowing out her candles so I had to help her.

It was a good birthday!

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