Saturday, March 5, 2016

Last week the kids worked on a prairie poem.  They used watercolors to paint the grass and sky, then markers to draw flowers and animals in it.  The poem is part of a History Pocket we were working on.  I just realized that I forgot to take a picture of the final product but they turned out nicely.  The boys enjoyed working on them.  Austin is really into drawing birds right now.

We finished up our study of Frederick Remington by talking about perspective.  We looked at some of his paintings that showed things going on in the background behind the focal point of the painting.  Then the boys tried making their own picture showing perspective and we glue pictures of cowboys on their picture the biggest in the front and smallest in the back.
Here is Gavin's picture.
 And Austin's picture.
Adelaide loves to do school with us.  I printed off some ballerina preschool worksheets for her this week.  Unfortunately, she can get them done faster than I can print them off.  Here she is doing a color by number ballerina.

The boys finished their birds and nests this week.  We spent a day painting the nests and eggs and another day working on our birds.  Austin's bird is a House Sparrow and Gavin's bird is a Robin.

I gave Adelaide a little wooden bird to paint.  It's pink, purple and light blue.  We called it the Adelaide-bird.

We added to our State Bird books this week.  I think we have about eight more birds to go to finish them.

And here are the finished birds.  This one is Austin's bird.

You can see it's little spotted eggs in the nest.

And here is Gavin's Robin on it's blue eggs.

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