Thursday, September 30, 2010

Into the Swing of Things

Since Steven and I were in Florida for a long weekend, this week we have all been getting back into our normal routine and preparing for Fall!  We have gotten out our Fall clothes and started some minor decorating.  Here's some pictures from was beautiful!

So basically we haven't done anything very exciting this week.  The kids did get to paint.  Gavin and Austin were painting a 'thank you' to Grandma Sue for watching them all weekend.  Gavin spent a lot of time on his project and it turned out great...but they are not in the mail yet...

Gavin and I have started reading about New York.  We read a book about New York City and all the things to do and see and we read a book about the men who built the Empire State Building.  Then we went on the YouTube and found some actual video taken of the men working on the building and a slide show of about 30 pictures that was really neat.  We finished the day by checking out the web site and took a virtual tour and saw pictures of the view from the top!

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