Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We Are Finally Back!!!

So if you don't know I haven't just been lazy this last month and a half but our computer was not working...but...we finally got it fixed!  So, here's the abridged version of what we've been doing this last six weeks.

We were cowboys.

We saw a snake eating a toad in our front flower garden.  Okay, that's gross, and yes, it was that gross in person and also disturbing as the snake then slithered into a hole under our front porch where we play all the time!!!!  Gavin was very sad for his toad friend but I suppose it was a good nature lesson.  He drew a picture in his nature notebook.

We played with trucks. 

Sometimes having a big brother is a great thing!

We hung out on the porch and enjoyed the beautiful summer days.

We went to the park.

We 'played' music.  I took some video of this.  Trust me when I tell you that you can be greatful I'm not uploading it.

We painted.

Austin mixed the paint into a delightful shade of brown so Gavin made a picture of The Old Man in the Mountain, a rock formation in New Hampshire.  We have finished Georgia, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Virginia in the last month.  When he was finished with the mountain he got his own paints and then made a nice picture of an apple tree because they grow apples in New Hampshire.

Gavin also made a really cute Johnny Appleseed...who was not technically from New Hampshire but he's apple related and I thought it was a cute project and Gavin likes we did it anyway.

We played with Play Doh.

We talked on the phone.

And, most exciting, we have a new patio at the bottom of our back deck.  It took a couple of weeks and was truly a family creation (although Steven did most of the work) but it looks great!  Steven gets mad at me when I post pictures of him so I will be nice and just post pictures of the boys.  I need to take a picture of the finished patio and put it on here!

So that's it!  The nice thing about this blog is that I always feel like we don't do much but when I post all the stuff we do I don't feel quite so bad. 

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