Friday, June 28, 2013

Last week we went to a family event at a local park all about nature and being outdoors.  The boys had fun building little wooden boats.

Adelaide waited very patiently for them to finish.

Austin used pond plant and animal stamps to fill in a pond picture.  Gavin didn't participate in this activity but Austin enjoyed it!

We went to the park with some friends.  Adelaide climbed all the way UP the slide!  I couldn't believe she made it!

If you look closely you can see Gavin's cast.  That's because she was so high up I couldn't reach her anymore so I made him climb behind her to keep her from falling.  We met another little Adelaide at the park too!

Austin had soccer camp this week.  I didn't get any good pictures because my camera is not working and I only had my phone.  However, Adelaide had fun entertaining herself while Austin ran around.

Adelaide also figured out how to get on her horse this week.

Austin has been playing with Duplos.

I managed to get some pigtails on Adelaide.  The hair in the front isn't long enough yet but she looked adorable anyway!

Adelaide pulled this game out of the closet and has been enjoying stacking the beads.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Here are a few pictures from the last week and a half.

Gavin broke his arm on the first day of soccer camp.  He's not so upset about the broken arm in the picture as he is about the fact he was just told no soccer or swimming.
However, he finished out soccer camp anyway.  He stayed home Tuesday and was running through the house kicking the soccer ball so I figured he might as well be at camp.  And that way, the little ones and I could go swimming!

Here is Gavin right after he got his permanent cast.  Dark blue with lime green stripes...very fancy!  And then I dropped him back off at soccer camp :)

Adelaide was lucky enough to receive a handmade Raggedy Ann and Andy set this week.  She has really taken to Ann.  She hasn't spent too much attention on poor Andy.

I got out a little baby pool for Adelaide.  For some reason the boys decided they needed to be the ones to blow it up.  It took quite a while, but they did manage to do it without help (other then a little directing by their sister).

Sunday, June 9, 2013

This week we went to a local event at the park where artists can bring their artwork for display.  It's always fun to see what people are making.  The boys really liked these animal forms.

The boys really enjoyed VBS this week.  Friday was family night and so we had dinner at the church and they had games set up for the kids to play.  Adelaide really loved the sandboxes full of rice.  You were supposed to dig for gold coins but she just wanted to play in the rice.  She played here for a long time.

Then she ran around enjoying the beautiful evening.

The boys played some of the games for older kids.  They both managed to hit the target and dunk a pirate.  That made them very happy!

It was finally warm enough yesterday to go play in some water at the park.  We weren't the only ones who thought so and it was more crowded than I prefer but we had a good time anyway and it seemed more like summer.

Adelaide loved the sprinkler until someone ran through it and the water splashed her.

After that she wanted nothing to do with it.

Gavin is getting too old for the sprinklers and he wanted to swim in the lake.  The little ones didn't mind because they were able to play in the sand!