Sunday, June 9, 2013

This week we went to a local event at the park where artists can bring their artwork for display.  It's always fun to see what people are making.  The boys really liked these animal forms.

The boys really enjoyed VBS this week.  Friday was family night and so we had dinner at the church and they had games set up for the kids to play.  Adelaide really loved the sandboxes full of rice.  You were supposed to dig for gold coins but she just wanted to play in the rice.  She played here for a long time.

Then she ran around enjoying the beautiful evening.

The boys played some of the games for older kids.  They both managed to hit the target and dunk a pirate.  That made them very happy!

It was finally warm enough yesterday to go play in some water at the park.  We weren't the only ones who thought so and it was more crowded than I prefer but we had a good time anyway and it seemed more like summer.

Adelaide loved the sprinkler until someone ran through it and the water splashed her.

After that she wanted nothing to do with it.

Gavin is getting too old for the sprinklers and he wanted to swim in the lake.  The little ones didn't mind because they were able to play in the sand!

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