Saturday, August 30, 2014

We had a busy week at school this week.  Extra curricular activities have started in full force.  We did have some time to get things done and even to enjoy some playtime.  Adelaide has been playing with the Duplos.
Adelaide is all about doing school.  As soon as Austin sits down at the table to start his work she runs over to grab her books to work on too.

Adelaide got this fabulous princess costume.  She loves it and wore it all day on Wednesday.  She even did her cooking it.

On Thursday we did several more science experiments regarding the sun.  First we spread sunscreen on half of a piece of black construction paper then put it out in the sun all day.  We observed how the unprotected side faded while the side with sunscreen stayed black.  Then we talked about why it's important to wear sunscreen.

Gavin had read that the color black is actually made up of all the colors put together.  We did an experiment to test this by drawing a line on a coffee filter with black permanent marker and then dipping it in alcohol.  This experiment didn't work so well for us because all we got was purple.

Austin is doing great with cursive writing. 

He is also doing a great job at RightStart Math.  This week he combined making the numbers 1-10 on the abacus, using tally marks and with his fingers so he can 'see' them different ways.

Our other experiment, I think it is really more demonstration, was to watch the shadow of a pencil every hour and track the changes.  The boys recorded their observations in their science journal each time they went outside.

Austin also worked on patterns this week in math.

Austin read these books.

And Gavin read this book.  He also read about the rise of the Islamic Empire and about Muhammad in Story of the World and Famous Men of the Middle Ages by John Haaren.

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