Sunday, September 20, 2015

His week we learned about the southwest Indian tribes.  The kids made a Navajo sand picture.  It was a messy craft but it was fun and they turned out great.

The kids learned about the digestive system this week.  We had many interesting, albeit somewhat gross and/or funny, discussions this week.  We did an experiment to see how bile helps break down the fats in our diet.

Here are the finished sand paintings.

Austin learned what congruent means and practiced making congruent shapes and patterns on the geoboard.

This is just a random picture of Austin that Gavin took.

Each of the boys picked out an Indian tribe and they are making a poster about their tribe.  Gavin learned about the Apache and Austin learned about the Seminole.  Hopefully we will finish these this week since it is our last week of Native American study.

Yesterday we went to the zoo.  We always get there when it opens because the carousel is free the first hour.  We rode on it three times before checking out the animals.

First up was the new arctic exhibit.  Penguins are always fun!

Apparently it was world rhino day...who knew.  Anyway, Gavin pretended to be a rhino explorer and used a rain stick to warn the rhinos about approaching poachers.

Nothing really much to say but here are some pictures of our adventure.

Gavin is trying to be a sea lion in this picture.

We went to the sea lion show.  It's only on weekends and the last couple of years we went to the zoo on a week day so it was exciting to get to go to the sea lion show again.

These pictures were back at the arctic exhibit, sorry they are out of order.  The zoo just got a polar bear a couple months ago and he was so awesome!  He was showing off for us and kept swimming right by us.  It was so fun!

Isn't he adorable?  Kind of makes me wish I could have a polar bear...I think he was our favorite animal of the day just because he was so active.

It's hard to see, but there is a hippo behind Adelaide.

This was Adelaide when the first sea lion came out during the sea lion show.

And, fall is fast approaching.  I took this picture near our house when I was out walking Wednesday morning.  The specks on the water are geese.  They were just waking up.

And I took this picture from our back porch as the sun was going down Thursday.

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