Sunday, October 4, 2015

We have been very busy the last few weeks.  We finished up our unit on Native Americans and have now switched to post-American Revolution.  The boys have been reading about George Washington's role as President and about John Adams.  This week we will learn about the French Revolution and read biographies of Napoleon.  Last week we learned about the digestive system and this week we are starting the circulatory system.
The kids worked on some human body models.  They had to put the insides in the mold.

Those are eye balls that go to a human head model that included the parts of the brain, etc.

Adelaide and I went to the park without the boys.  This was two weeks ago now.  We enjoyed some quiet time near the creek.

This past Thursday we all went out to explore for a while.

The kids drew this katydid in their nature journals.

We were very impressed with Adelaide's katydid.  She drew it upside down in her journal, but, you can tell it's a bug, complete with red eyes and antenna.  She even drew the sky over it!  Normally the drawings in her journal are scribbles so this was very exciting!
Friday we went on a field trip to the Federal Reserve Bank.  It was really neat to see all the giant bins full of money!

Afterwards we stopped at the American Girl store.  It was smaller than I thought it would be but lots of fun to browse in.  I think the boys liked it as much as Adelaide and I did.  They were pretty convinced they needed this ($300!!!!) car.

Yesterday we went to the Renaissance Festival.  Adelaide was the prettiest princess there.  The boys were so cute because every time she had to walk over a little mud or uphill one of them would grab the bottom of her dress and hold it so it wouldn't get dirty and she wouldn't trip on it.  They called themselves "men in waiting".

Adelaide enjoyed meeting the fairies and the mermaids.  I should have gotten a picture of the mermaids, they were pretty amazing.

Adelaide was crowned the "queen of love and beauty" by the winning knight.  She went up and grabbed the flower garland off his lance but refused to put it on.  Gavin put it on instead.  The poor knight was rather embarrassed that the lady refused to put on his favor.  But, a lady can't accept favors from just anyone.

Just before we left Adelaide went on this swing ride.  We took off the dress because we thought the hoop skirt would get in the way.

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