Saturday, October 17, 2015

This week Austin was learning how to divide numbers into three or four parts, and how those parts can change but still equal the same number.  He had a word problem that said he had 16 pet treats and three pets and asked him to write down how many treats each pet would get.  So, we got out some pet treats and 'pets' and shuffled them around to get possible answers.

We started a new country to study for the next few weeks.  Austin opened his Little Passports package to find out we will be learning about Canada.

He got a little whistle/compass thing.  I can't remember how they tied that in with Canada...maybe because it's mostly wilderness.  He thought it was very cool!

Gavin has been getting a geography packet from Highlights called Top Secret Adventures.  Each one is about a certain country and has a mystery that needs to be solved along with a book about the country and puzzles to do.  Gavin has been enjoying them.

We did another Degas project this week using chalk.  We talked about how there is a lot of movement in Degas' paintings and the boys tried to make a picture that shows movement.  They both attempted a picture of a running horse.  Horses are very hard to draw for some reason but they did their best.

They were supposed to use their fingers to blend the chalk together but our chalk wasn't super blendable.  I think I need to try another brand.  Here is Austin's picture.

And here is Gavin's picture.

This week we studied the heart and how it works so we made a heart model.  We started with foil to give it shape and put red modeling clay around the foil.

Then we started adding the aorta, pulmonary veins and arteries, and superior and inferior vena cava. Finally, we labeled the parts. It was an intense project!

We've been added the body systems we have been studying each week to the man in the background of this next picture.  The boys have really been enjoying it!  He started as a skeleton but is slowly becoming more complex.

So the directions said to put the two smaller foil balls on the top like Mickey Mouse ears.  We may have taken that a little too literally because our heart is actually in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head... so, it's not super accurate even after all that work but we had fun making it.

We went to the pumpkin farm this week.  It was a perfect fall day to be outside and enjoy the fun at the farm.  It's the same thing every year but here are some pictures.


Adelaide always searches for a 'baby pumpkin'.  It has to be the smallest pumpkin in the patch or she passes it by.



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