Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It Must Be Summertime!

This week has been full of swimming, dancing and even a fair so it is the perfect July week!  Gavin started swim lessons this week.  They are every day this week and next week.  He loves it!
We finished Georgia yesterday and started Connecticut today.  Today we read about robins (their state bird) and jets (they have jet factories).  We will be learning about helicopters and submarines (more factories), oak trees (state tree), praying mantis (state insect), Noah Webster and Ethan Allen.  These first pictures are actually of Gavin finishing Georgia yesterday.
We were working on finishing patterns and this was the moment Gavin realized he was starting to color the box the wrong color...
No worries...he quickly fixed it!
Last night we went to the fair.  The petting zoo was a big hit!

Austin really liked the goats.  Every time we led him away from them he would head right back to them as soon as we let go.  I think he liked them because the baby goats were small so they could look eye to eye.
Gavin rode a few rides - they even had some new ones this year which was nice.  And, he worked up the courage to ride the roller coaster all by himself.  Unfortunately, my camera ran out of battery so the rest of the excursion is undocumented.  I did get a few pics of Gavin before it went out.
So I mentioned earlier that we have started Connecticut today.  We read about robins so we did a robin craft and the girls got to join us!  Here is Calla working on her robin...
Here is Gavin...

and here is Kaitlynn.

I love how serious they look when they are working on their craft.  Kaitlynn's bird is lying in it's nest.  So after swimming and crafts, the kids still found the energy for dancing around the living room.  This was the first time Austin joined in the dancing.

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