Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Snow Day

We got another eight inches of snow so there was no school today and looks like no school tomorrow.  So, we decided to make the most of our snow day with snow related activities.  We started with a couple of experiments.  Our first experiment tested what melted snow the fastest, cold water, hot water, salt or salt water.  Gavin's hypothesis was correct - hot water melts snow the fastest!

He recorded his findings in his science journal.

Our next experiment was to see how much water was in a bucket full of snow.  So we filled a container full of snow and then checked it periodically to see what happened.  Gavin thought it would be full of water, but nope, only about an inch of water was left in the container when it had all melted.  We read a few books about snow and learned that one inch of rain can produce 10 to 40 inches of snow!

Then the fun stuff.  We made ice cream out of snow!  I found a recipe online and it worked.  Gavin mixed sugar, milk and vanilla together.

Then added snow!

Here is his reaction after having his first bite. 
Austin really enjoyed this project too!  It wasn't bad but I didn't think it was great. Very cold. Gavin declared it the best ice cream ever and Austin started screaming at me when I wouldn't let him have another bowl full so apparently it was just me.

Then Austin painted a snowman and I let him put some silver glitter on it which he really liked!

Gavin made snowmen that you cut out and they connect together.  I think you can do this in people shapes too...

I didn't get a picture of the final project because the glitter was still drying.  That was our day!  It was busy but we had lots of fun!

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