Monday, January 31, 2011

The Weekend

Sorry about the lack of posts.  For some reason I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately. 

Friday we went to the park since we got into the 40s for one day.  We didn't stay too long because it was so wet with melty snow but it was nice to get out while we could (since we are supposed to get 14 inches of snow tomorrow!)

Saturday I put together a small sensory bucket for Austin.  Gavin was pretending he was a chipmunk looking for nuts while Austin gathered red heart erasers and red pom poms.

Someone taught Gavin to put things in his hands and have people guess which hand it's in.  This is his new favorite game.

After church on Sunday the boys played with Duplos.

Gavin built an awesome house!

Austin was riding around in his car talking on his cell phone.  I tried to get a picture but just got some big smiles instead!

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