Thursday, July 21, 2011


We have had a low key week.  It's been so hot we've stayed inside if at all possible!  But yesterday we went to the state park to visit the cave with the conservation department.  We did this last year but we had a lot more rain and the water in the cave was up to the kids knees so we just stayed in the front next to the opening.  Yesterday we got to walk all the way to the back of the cave!  Gavin saw two 'dinosaur' footprints.  One impression did look like a footprint next to something that looked like an impression of a spinal cord in the rock...not sure what it was or how long it's been there but it was neat to see and speculate.  Surprisely, Austin walked all the way to the cave (it's quite a hike) and then wasn't afraid of going inside the cave.  I had to carry him through the cave and he held on tight but he didn't make a sound.  Here are the pictures.

This was Gavin in the front entrance of the cave.  There's a skylight in it.  Obviously it was too dark in the rest of the cave for pictures!

The purpose of this venture was to try and find bats...this was the only bat we actually saw.

Gavin very helpfully made sure Austin drank plenty of water.

This is a random picture I took earlier in the week of Austin.

I took Gavin to see Winnie-the-Pooh at the movie theater.  It was cute and Gavin really liked it.  I thought $12.50 was a little much for a 1 hour movie but it was good. 

We finished Little Pilgrim's Progress last week and this week we started on Sir Lancelot the Great before bedtime.

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