Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

We spent the weekend at Grandpa Ben and Grandma Sue's house for the annual 4th of July family picnic.  We had a great time.  Here are some pictures of the boys playing.

Gavin learned to float on his back with his life jacket on.

Gavin got to light a smoke bomb.

Austin enjoyed pushing Grandma on the swing.

We did not quite have the relaxing day back I had envisioned.  I forgot I had signed the boys up for a program at the park this morning but was reminded when I turned my weekly calendar over.  Gavin had fun learning about what lives under logs and then he turned over a log and tried to catch the bugs and worms that were under it.  Then he got to look at them with a magnifying glass.

Austin was not super in to the idea of being at the park this morning.

When we got back to the picnic tables Gavin drew pictures of the bugs he found.

This afternoon we went to a different park to get their pictures taken.  Hopefully they came out well!  We should get proofs in a couple days.

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