Monday, July 15, 2013

Austin has been helping me cook quite a bit lately.  The other day he made the clam sauce for our linguine and clam sauce.

He did a really good job because it turned out great!  

Adelaide is really in to identifying facial features right now which means you are very likely to get a chubby finger poked in your eye.  Luckily for me she was using her doll this time!

The boys and I went to our last concert of the summer.  Austin was brave enough to go onstage and conduct with Gavin this time.

Last week both Gavin and Austin went to camp.  Gavin went to an all day science camp and Austin went to a half day French camp.  Thursday morning I went looking for Adelaide to get her dressed and I found her sitting in the sink in the boy's bathroom playing with their toothbrushes!  

It has been fairly hot but we've been going outside when we can.

Austin helped make a Gouda, Italian sausage and pepperoni pizza.  It was quite good.  I didn't take many pictures because as you can see he was putting all the ingredients in the middle of the pizza so I had to help him spread them around a bit.

We got to check out what Gavin had been learning at science camp.  The kids in his group had to invent a vehicle that would be able to drive in the sand without getting stuck using recyclables.  You can see they used toothpicks to solve the problem.  I guess there were several kids from his school there and he said they spoke in French so the other kids couldn't steal their ideas!

In this activity they had to create a duck launcher to launch a rubber duck 10 feet.  They spend time each day taking apart an appliance they bring from home and they had to use the discarded pieces from that activity to make their launcher.  This one is made of the front of a DVD player, so sort of circuit board and other unidentified parts.  He said it didn't launch the duck very far but he seemed to have a good idea why and what to do to improve the device.

This morning Adelaide was pushing the laundry basket around the house.  I was trying to get a picture of her because she had put on sunglasses like a necklace but when she saw me coming with the camera she started running away!

This afternoon we got a nice rain.  It only lasted about five minutes but Austin went out to play in it.  I think playing in the rain is a must do every summer.  Gavin is at another science camp this week so he missed it.

Then Austin came inside and painted.  At first he was mixing colors to see what new color he would get.  So he mixed red and blue to get purple and then red and white to get pink.  Then he told me he was painting petunias.  Then the petunias somehow morphed into a tiger with green stripes.

Since Austin got to paint when Adelaide got up from her nap (I didn't want her getting into the paint so we did that activity while she was sleeping) I let her try the paint with water books. 

Luckily after dinner we got a short rain again and this time Gavin was able to play in it too!

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