Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This week we visited the Nature Center.  We saw a fox, peacock and hawk as well as many small animals like snakes, turtles, etc.  The kids also got to play on a six story tree house built along the side of a gorge.  It scared me, especially with Adelaide, because there were places she could have fallen out if she fell so I ended up taking her back to the center because my nerves couldn't take it.  The boys enjoyed it though!  There were ladders and tunnels and secret spaces to crawl through.

We also visited another park.  I haven't been to this park before but it was recommended to us by a friend from home who used to live here.  It was worth visiting because they have an amazing playground!

This afternoon we went to play miniature golf at a place that we have gone to forever.  We had a great time!  Gavin won a free second game so I had to play a second round with him.

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