Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Well we had a successful trip to New York this past weekend.  The boys were perfect in the car and Adelaide did great too!  First stop, Niagara Falls!  The boys were super impressed!

Here they are getting ready to board the boat.  I was carrying Adelaide in a sling  so I didn't get a picture of her but I had to put my rain coat over the both of us.  

Here's the beginning of the ride.

Here's the end of the ride after we got soaked.  The boys loved it although it's a bit surprising when that first wave of water hits you, even when you are expecting it.  Adelaide wasn't quite sure if she should laugh with everyone else, or cry.  She did great although she looked very confused.

 Monday we went to the park and Gavin had the pleasure of feeding the sea gulls.

At first he was throwing the Cheetos way out but I told him to throw them closer to himself.  He had the birds coming right up to him.

Adelaide didn't feed the birds but she did enjoy chasing them.

Of course, they all had fun playing on the playground.

Adelaide did, in fact, climb up the ladder as high as her brother but I was holding on to her so I couldn't get a picture.

The best thing about this park is the outdoor carousel.  It went really fast!  The kids loved it!

I'll post some more pictures of our adventures soon!

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