Friday, November 8, 2013

Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to this week.  Adelaide enjoyed stacking the pegs.
Gavin worked on figuring out the area of squares and rectangles in square inches.

He also added the ancient Greeks to his Book of the Centuries.  He has been adding people and events and is starting to see quite a bit of overlap. 

Austin played with this magnet board for over an hour this morning!  It has cards with different shapes and you recreate the shape on the card.  He loved it!

Gavin has spent the week working on a persuasive writing letter pretending he was a turkey trying to convince the farmer not to eat him for Thanksgiving.  This was his third final draft.  He finally figured out that if it wasn't neat and if there were mistakes he was going to have to rewrite it.  Today he took his time and did a great job so we can move on!

Austin was still hard at work with his magnets.

Gavin is learning about Renoir for the next few weeks so today we read a biography and talked about his paintings.  However, his art project was actually for history.  Since we are learning about ancient Greece Gavin painted a fresco.  I mixed plaster of Paris into a paper plate mold and let him paint a design while it was still wet.  He painted a Greek soldier.  Because we only had primary colors it kind of looks more like a clown!

He continued to read this book today.

And he read these books in science.

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