Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This week Austin is learning the letter T for turtle.  He told me last week he wants to do more crafts so I am trying to make that happen!  On Monday he painted an ocean on a piece of paper using watercolors.

Adelaide has discovered puzzles and she loves them!  She can do these easy ones by herself.

On Tuesday Austin used regular paint to paint turtles into his ocean.  I tried to show him how to paint a turtle so he wouldn't just scribble over his ocean and he did a great job trying!

Here's his final painting.

Adelaide also really likes this game.  It's like a puzzle in that you take the pieces off and try to put them back on.

Today Austin made a turtle out of a paper plate.  He covered the plate with glue and added green and brown squares.

Then we added a head, flippers and tail.

We thought it turned out nicely too!  Of course, we are not very picky in this house.

Gavin's semester is winding down a bit this week.  He has read these books.

This reader has a section about ocean animals.

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