Tuesday, December 17, 2013

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas.  Gavin has finished up his work for this semester with help from Adelaide.
We made paper snowflakes to put in the window.

Adelaide is obsessed with glue!

Before we left for Florida Gavin was working on a Greek display board.  He finished all his typing before we left so all that was left was choosing pictures to go along with it and getting everything on the board.

He wrote a lot about the Greek army and battles, as well as medicine, housing, gods, etc.

Our friend Solomon the Elf is back this year.  He actually went to Florida with us and has been playing tricks every night.  He has replaced the kids stockings with their underwear, taken pictures of himself doing crazy things all over the house, he drew mustaches on everyone in our pictures, he played chess with Minnie as well as all kinds of other shananigans.  

He put all the cereal boxes on the mantle.

The boys made and decorated cookies earlier this week.

And the boys had their first piano recital last weekend.  They both did great!

This was kind of a disjointed, odds-and-ends post :) but that's what we have been up too!

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