Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday Gavin wrote out his letter to Santa Claus and put it in the mail.  Then he decorated his Christmas tree in his room with a little help from Austin.

Gavin is very proud of his Christmas tree.  Austin is slowly learning to stay away from the tree and not touch the ornaments, although he did knock down Gavin's tree today and put two of the ornaments in the trash can which I found later.  At least I found them.  I think Austin threw away the beaters to my standing mixer.

Anyway, the kids played with the duploes this morning.  I didn't get many pictures because I was making Dad's birthday cake (without my mixer but luckily I have a little hand mixer for back up), chocolate cake with choclate frosting.  I even made the frosting from scratch and I think it turned out rather well.  Half of it was gone by the end of the meal so it must have been okay at least.

Austin decided to take a bath a little early today.


1 comment:

  1. I had a great birthday, completed by a great dinner and dessert prepared by my lovely wife!
