Friday, November 5, 2010

More Leaves and Turkeys

This morning Kaitlynn and Austin glued leaves onto trees while Gavin worked on his Pilgrim book. Today he drew a picture of Squanto in the ship going towards Spain after being kidnapped (we read a biography of Squanto yesterday).

I actually caught a few of Miss Kaitlynn's smiles on camera today!  I was using Steven's camera though since mine is broken and his doesn't have a five second delay on it so I think that helps.

Then Gavin made a turkey out of craft sticks and paper...oh, and googly eyes of course!

Austin was trying to pull off the leaves on his tree instead of holding it up nicely to show it off...we'll have to work on that.

Gavin took his turkey to school today for show and tell.

While Gavin was at school and Austin napping, Kaitlynn played the birdie color matching game.  She loved it!

A big smile for a job well done!

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