Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Week

I think I finally figured out what went wrong with the blog and I think I've fixed it.  Hopefully it won't happen again.  But, here is what we've been up to this week.

We worked some more on our Thanksgiving lapbooks.  Austin worked on the very important difference: people or food.  Gavin worked on a who, what, when, where, why of the Pilgrims tab book.

Gavin also colored and put together a Pilgrim house which lasted about 15 minutes until Austin found it and decided to play with it.  Paper is no match for a one-year-old!

Gavin had a Mayflower snack.  Dried meat (beef jerkey), hard tack (saltine crackers slightly stale, which was convenient though not planned) and cheese.  Gavin refused to eat the beef jerkey and I can't say I blame him.  He told me he wasn't really a Pilgrim.

Yesterday Gavin worked on a Pilgrim true or false tab book.  I'm not sure why he didn't want his picture taken.

Here is Austin showing off his people or food work.

Then we painted turkeys with watercolors.  Gavin did a great job and spent a lot of time on his turkey and worked really hard to stay in the lines!

Austin finished his turkey first and went immediately to get the Play Doh.  He's figured out what cupboard I keep them in and he knows how to get them out.

That's been our week.  Gavin scored his first goal during his soccer game this weekend and his team won!  He was very excited.

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