Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's Christmas!

First of all, I haven't been posting regularly and I am going to do better this month!  I have a few pictures of Gavin making a pumpkin pie last week.  He did it all himself, even cracking open the eggs.  Unfortunately, I ruined it in the cooking process and we couldn't eat it.  I was going to post these last week but I was too heartbroken.

Today Dad put up the Christmas lights outside.  They look awesome!  Gavin and Austin helped supervise...actually, Austin helped supervise and Gavin played football.

Momentary distraction...

Then we came inside for some hot cocoa which made the boys very happy!

Then we decorated the tree, which we picked out after church.

Dad even let Gavin have the very important job of putting the star on the top of the tree!

I think we did a good job!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful tree, maybe Gavin and Austin can come over and help me decorate mine one day this week.
