Thursday, December 30, 2010

Warm Up

We had a good day today.  I think we are finally getting settled back into our routine which is always nice for everyone.  Austin started his day today by playing with his car carrier.

It warmed up a little today so we went to the park.  We didn't stay too long because the wind was blowing really hard and it was super cold, but it was nice to be able to get outside again for a little while.

When we got home Gavin played with his cars and car mat.

And Austin read his book about baby's day.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The boys have spent this week playing with their presents.  They got all kinds of great stuff from family and Santa.  Austin got a train that he really likes.
The boys both love Gavin's wild west Playmobil set.

This is the boys 'mooing' at each other.

Austin spent some time today getting caught up on his books.

The boys danced in the living room.

I have been getting toys assembled and organized, getting Christmas stuff packed away and getting caught up on cleaning and laundry.  Luckily the boys have been so preoccupied with their new toys I have been able to get a lot done!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Snow!

We are ready for Santa Claus to visit us tonight!  We woke up this morning to a bunch of snow on the ground and it's still snowing!  Here are some pictures.

Austin came outsode to see what I was taking pictures of.

This is an ornament we have hanging from our front porch.  They look like acorns with a snowy cap!

Work before play in this house...Austin, Gavin and Dad shoveled the driveway.  Gavin didn't last too long.  He was too busy making snowballs and throwing them at Dad while he shoveled.  Austin hung in until the end.

Gavin made a snow angel.

While Austin and Dad were still shoveling!

Finally, the shoveling was complete and Dad was able to make snow angels with Gavin.

Then we made a snowman.  This is the first time since Gavin was born we have had good packing snow for making a snowman.

It was too cold so Austin and I went in before the completed product so there's a little gap in the proceedings, but here is the finished snowman.  He's decorated with celery and baby carrots!

That has been our morning!  We are very excited to have snow so Santa can land on our roof tonight...should he choose to!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yesterday Austin spent some time talking on the phone and counting his money...a sign of things to come perhaps?
This morning Gavin wrote a book called "The Story of Sir Gavin and Sir Austin".  It was a tale about Sir Gavin and Sir Austin fighting together to win a joust and defeat the 'bad knight' and having a great banquet thrown to honor their bravery.  It had five chapters, i.e. pages.

They spent the rest of today playing with the knights Gavin got yesterday for his birthday...because you can never have too many knights, right?  These are Playmobil knights so they have all kinds of weapons that are interchangable and horses, armor, etc. that can all be taken off and on.  Gavin loves this but it makes me nervous because of all the small pieces.  Anyway, they came with a cannon and a flaming catapault.  Austin loves the catapault and it didn't take him any time at all to figure out how to work the thing.

Gavin lost one of his flaming cannonballs behind the Christmas tree and had to retreive it.

Then the boys spent a little time playing together with the dinosaurs.