Monday, December 6, 2010

Saint Nicolas

That would be pronounced 'Ne-ko-la' to those who don't speak French.  Anyway, today was the much anticipated arrival of Saint Nicolas at Gavin's preschool.  Every year about this time we have an all school lunch in the gym and he makes his appearance and hands out oranges and little bags of French candy to all the kids.  It's very exciting!  First the kids ate their lunch and played for a bit.

Then it was time to visit Saint Nicolas.

Austin was infatuated with the orange!  He never did throw it, which was what I thought he was going to do when he picked it up, but he carried it everywhere he went until it was time to go.

I'm not sure what this look he gave me was all about...

To my surprise, he wasn't afraid of Saint Nicolas but he didn't want to hang out in his lap either.

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