Saturday, December 18, 2010


This week our countertops have undergone a dramatic transformation from dull grey laminate to a pretty ivory fake-solid-surface.  It was a lot of work but I think it was worth it.  Here's the before pictures...

First we sanded the countertops and taped it off.  Then we put on a adhesive basecoat and decrative paint chips which really looked like finely ground sawdust.

Then we added a clear top coat and it's been drying for about 48 hours so far.  We aren't supposed to actually use the countertop for seven days so I can't use them until Christmas Eve which is a little inconvenient but they do look much better!

Here's a close up since it's hard to see in the picture above.

Thursday we took the presents from Gavin's birthday party to the Humane Society for donation.

And yesterday we made reindeer cupcakes to take to Gavin's school for snack to celebrate his birthday.

That has been our week!  Today Gavin had a soccer game and he scored two goals for his team.  He was very excited!

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