Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It's Gavin's favorite week of the summer - soccer camp!  We haven't done much other then watch Gavin play soccer every day.  Today we went back to the state capital to try out their children's history programs.  The topic was Pony Express.  It was fun and we had a good time and then we looked at some of the Civil War displays again. 

One of Gavin's favorite things in the museum were the battle scenes they set up with little painted Civil War soldiers.  On our way back to the car we did some window shopping and found a toy store that sells the Civil War soldiers that Gavin liked so much in the museum (they're plastic but look like the old lead ones they use to make).  They were only $2/each so I told Gavin he could start earning money and next time we go down he can buy some with his money.  He's very excited to start collecting soldiers!

Here are some pictures of Gavin at soccer camp.

This week we have read:
The Lobster Quadrille by Lewis Carroll
The Cannery Bear by Ray St. Clair - about a bear that likes canned salmon and goes to work in a salmon canning factory
The Queen of the Orkney Islands by Laura E. Richards, a poem
Bertram and the Lion by Paul Gilbert - about a boy that wishes he had a pet lion and gets his wish, soon discovering it's not as great as he imagined

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