Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend

We have had a very nice Easter weekend!  We are getting some very beautiful smiles from Adelaide this weekend!

The boys dyed Easter eggs yesterday.  They had already had their baths so they are in their pajamas (we were a little late getting it together but we did eventually get it together!).  Austin enjoyed putting the eggs in the glasses and fishing them back out.  Gavin was more patient this year and kept his eggs in the dye longer to get more vibrant colors.

We were going to have lots of meals with eggs this week but the boys were putting stickers on their eggs this morning and one of the cartons was left on the school room table.  When we got back from church they had been eaten, shells and all, by the dog.  I would like to blame Max for it but Max was in his crate so it was all Jackson's fault!  Luckily we still had Austin's carton but there were only seven left because he kept dropping the eggs and breaking the shells so they were eaten yesterday after the dying extravaganza.

This morning when the boys woke up the 'tomb' was open and an angel was sitting on top to announce Jesus' resurrection.

I made a cake for Easter.  The boys were very excited when they saw this cake when they got up this morning.

This was Gavin's Easter basket.  He got a Easter bunny racing game, a personalized soccer book, a soccer puzzle, a knight water bottle, a little airplane and an Easter tie to wear to church today.

Here is Austin's Easter basket.  The Bambi book is actually a notebook for Austin to use as a nature journal this summer.  I thought he would want one when he sees Gavin drawing in his nature journal.  He also got some Easter bunny bubbles, a fire truck water bottle, a Thomas the Train tie and an Easter tie to match his brother.

This was Adelaide's Easter basket.  Her basket was a little trickier but she got a cute little sock bunny, a bunny ears teether (the ears crinkle and are minky on the back), Easter bunny bubbles and an owl plate and matching cup.  It will be a while before she can use the plate and cup but they were super cute and there's only so much you can put in an eight-week-old's basket!

Here's her little sock bunny!  She really likes to look at it!

Here are the boys looking through their baskets this morning.

Adelaide looked so cute in her pink and brown Easter peasant dress this morning.  She wore a matching brown Easter bunny hair ribbon and her sweet little shoes have an 'A' on them.

The boys looked very handsome in their matching suits.  I was really hoping to get a nice picture of the kids all dressed up for church but, of course, that didn't happen since I can't get them all to hold still and smile at the same time!  Here's what I did get...

After church and a costume change the boys went outside to find the eggs that sneaky Easter bunny hid in the backyard.

And a few more pictures of Adelaide looking cute!

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