Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Last Wednesday Adelaide had her two month doctor's appointment and her first vaccinations.  She is growing a lot and healthy!  We didn't do school on Thursday because we were packing for our trip to a homeschool conference - we left Thursday night.  We had a great time and have lots of good ideas for school next year!

We have been getting some things done.  I will post some books we've been reading below but first here are some random pictures I have taken in the last week.

Gavin has been coloring in an American Revolution coloring book.

Yesterday Gavin reviewed place values and did one worksheet where he had to find a number based on clues.  The two others were like a crossword puzzle.  The first one he had to put in the correct number when given something like: 3 hundreds, 4 tens, 2 ones; and the other he had to add three digit numbers with carrying and then put his answer in the puzzle.  In that one he only got three wrong out of twelve and it was just because he added wrong not because of this carrying.  I got all three worksheets out of a math book for 2nd/3rd grade so I was proud of him for being able to do them so well!

Adelaide having tummy time again.

She's either crying because her bow doesn't match or because her pants are too small...I'm not sure which!

We haven't done much science lately.  We did read these two books last week but mostly I've been letting the boys go outside to play.  I think digging in the dirt and finding worms and toads is science related!

We didn't read clear through these next books because they are for higher grades, but they had wonderful photographs of the land Lewis and Clark encountered and of their journals.  We read parts of 'The Lewis and Clark Journals'.  Most of the book was information we had already covered.

This book is more for middle/high school, but once again it has amazing pictures.  We looked at the pictures and just read bits here and there about the pictures.

We did read this book.

Since we learned about Lewis and Clark finding Prairie Dogs and sending one to Thomas Jefferson, we decided to read this cute little chapter book about prairie dogs.  It's fiction but a good story and does tell you how prairie dogs live.

And, I got tickets to take Gavin to see Swan Lake soon!  They were on sale and we are way in the back but we are both excited.  So, we read this book so we know the story before the ballet!

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