Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This is an update from the earlier post this morning.  I tried to get a picture of Adelaide in her cute little outfit today.  I got one before she started crying.

We went to the park this evening to work a little more on what we learned about Lewis and Clark today.  Our books focused on the journals of Lewis and Clark, why they kept them and what they put in them.  So Gavin, a.k.a 'Clark', found a new species of flower that he drew and then wrote about in his nature journal.

While he worked on his journal, Austin, a.k.a. 'Lewis' threw rocks into the stream.

Adelaide hung out and then enjoyed a little snack.

Gavin measured his flower so he could include that information in his journal.

When the journal page was completed, Clark joined Lewis throwing rocks into the stream.  You'd think it would get old, but somehow it doesn't seem to.

Here's Gavin's journal entry.  He found a little blue flower.  It says, "Five flowers on one stem.  Found in woods near river.  Six inches tall.  Likes the shade."

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