Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Austin got to join us for school time yesterday since his school was closed.  It was kind of nice to have all the kids home!
We read some more about moving west and Gavin made a yarn doll.  He made a boy and I made a girl.  I was going to let Austin make one too but he wasn't interested in making one but both boys played with them for a long time and Gavin took them to show his teacher today.  I found this tutorial from this blog:

We had hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies as a snack which is why the chocolate face...it was 20 degrees outside and we were all home, it seemed like a good day for a treat.

These are the books we read.

Adelaide loves doing school with us.  She especially love emptying and tasting the things in Gavin's desk and knocking the books off the table.  Oh, and eating the dirt in the houseplants sitting in the window.  Kind of makes things hard to get done but she's very cute while she's at it!

Today we read a last book about energy.  This one was pretty detailed about what energy is and the different types of energy.  Gavin made a poster of four things and had to tell how energy was being converted into a different form of energy in his picture.  I wrote down what he said just because his writing is so large he didn't want to write over his picture.

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