Friday, January 11, 2013

We have been enjoying the amazing weather this week!  We have been able to get out and go for walks and the boys have been able to play outside without getting all bundled up, which is nice for everyone!

Yesterday Gavin practiced multiplying using his abacus.
We read the second chapter in our REAL Science: Physics book that talked about work, energy and force.  Then we did an experiment where Gavin used energy to apply force to different objects to see if he could do any work.

He recorded his observations in his science journal.

Today the boys painted with watercolors.  Austin's painting is mostly water with a little paint mixed in.

Gavin used red, orange and yellow to make a sunset.  He practiced mixing the colors.  Next week we are going to add some western silhouettes to his sunset.  It was the only art project I could find having to do with Charles Russell, even though I don't think he's known for his sunsets.

Here is his finished sunset.

Miss Adelaide has been very unhappy this week because she's getting two more bottom teeth in.  Today was the first day she's let me put her down without immediately screaming.  It never lasted long, but it's something!

We finally finished the Burgess Seashore Book....all 40 chapters!

We are almost finished with Pagoo.  Only about six pages left.  We were supposed to finish it during Christmas break and that didn't happen.

We have started reading this book about George Washington Carver.

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