Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thursday Gavin learned a little more about energy, including potential (or stored) energy and kinetic energy.  We read a couple books about energy and then did a couple experiments.  In the first experiment Gavin put a car at the end of a board - then held it at ankle level, then knee level, then hip level - to see what would happen.  We talked about when the car has potential/kinetic energy and then about how gravity effected the car depending on the height of the board.  He recorded his findings in his science journal.

After he recorded his observations with the car, he tried the same thing with a toy camera and we talked about why the camera didn't go as fast as the car.  For some reason the idea of friction has caught his attention and the friction that occurs in daily life has been pointed out many times this last few days...for some reason he likes this topic.  He's been explaining it to Austin while they play with their toys.

When he finished this we briefly discussed how energy is transferred from object to object, then he crashed cars together (Hot Wheels, not real cars!) to see what would happen.

Adelaide has discovered that if she stretches she can reach my little basket of bottles on my vanity.  This makes her very happy because she really likes to inspect them.  She has also figured out how to open cupboard doors and the door to the fireplace - which is Awesome!  There is nothing like cleaning ashes off a baby to make you grateful they've learned something new :)

On Friday, Gavin finished his Charles Russell painting.  Last week he worked on blending watercolors to make a sunset.  Yesterday Gavin drew a landscape on black paper, then added his landscape and some silhouettes of desert animals to his painting.  I don't think Charles Russell ever actually did silhouettes, but it looked nice anyway.

Today was beautiful so we went for a walk and then played outside.  The boys were outside all day which was awesome!

Here is Adelaide helping me cook dinner.

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