Tuesday, February 26, 2013

After getting a foot of snow a few days ago, we woke up this morning with more snow!  Even Gavin didn't go outside for too long today so I think we have about had enough of it for this winter.

Since we had to stay inside we played with electricity!  First we read a chapter in our science book about electricity and then a library book about electricity.  Then we got out Snap Circuit Jr, a toy from fatbraintoys.com, which is one of my favorite stores for kids toys.  The boys loved it!  Basically it has different parts you can connect together with batteries to make things happen.  First we just did a simple circuit to turn on a little light bulb.  Then Gavin took over and made another circuit that caused a fan to spin.   Here he is working on the fan.

And it works!

Next he attached a speaker to the batteries and it played 'Happy Birthday'.  The boys thought this was hilarious!

Finally, Gavin attached a resistor to the circuit and played the music again and it played more quietly than before.  We had so much fun we decided to do some more on Thursday!

These are the books we read today.

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