Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We are back to school this week!  Austin has been sick the last couple of days but seems to be feeling a little  better today.  I'm not sure why we have been hit so hard by sickness this last few weeks but we are really looking forward to warmer weather and springtime.  

Gavin has continued to work on his paper airplane science fair project.  He made his paper airplanes, with some help from Dad (a few were very complicated).  This morning we flew the airplanes and gathered our data.   Now we just have to put it all together and get our display board ready.

We flew them at the church where Austin's school is because they have a big empty room that already has tape on the floor to mark off a starting line.

We celebrated Valentine's Day.  The kids got little stuffed friends and a mailbox with candy and small things inside.

Gavin got a book of jokes I found in the dollar section of Target.  It was the perfect gift for him since he is in to all things silly.  The downside is I've been told a lot of silly jokes this week :)

This month we are studying South Africa.  Today Gavin watched a video about South Africa and then did an art project.  He drew giraffe 'skin' on a piece of paper and then glued a silhouette of a giraffe on top to explore texture.  I can't remember if I posted the day we opened our envelope from Little Passports but if not, he got a bird whistle.

Yesterday we read more about atoms and chemical reactions.  We mixed vinegar and baking soda in a bottle to watch it explode.  We were going to make a battery using lemons but Gavin told me he did that at robotics camp last summer and he didn't need to do it again.

We are in the middle of three different chapter books in history.  Before bed we are reading Singing Wheels.  

During history time we are reading A Pioneer Sampler.  Both this book and Singing Wheels follow a family and details their day to day activities on the prairie.   

At lunch we are reading Children of the Covered Wagon.

Monday Gavin had his Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts.  He received his Tiger Badge and belt loops for soccer, chess and language and culture. 

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