Monday, February 25, 2013

Today in Bible we started a book about the armor of God.  I found a neat website that has all kinds of resources for ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, and one of the activities was to dress a Roman soldier.  So Gavin dressed his soldier and then in his Bible notebook, Gavin drew a picture of a Roman soldier. 

In math, he reviewed making change.

For our pioneer activity, Gavin tried his hand at weaving.  I got the directions for this craft from this website:

He stuck with it really well because it took a while.  It's not the tightest weaving job ever but he was proud of it and put it in the pioneer wagon he made so the imaginary pioneer family would have a more comfortable ride west.

Austin is starting to get into Legos and he is making some very cool things!

Adelaide has finally started to take a few steps unassisted.  Today she was using the giraffe to walk.  If she pushes it sideways it doesn't go too fast for her to keep up.  She really wants to walk but she has got to work up her confidence.

But, she took her first couple steps on Friday and we are practicing with her going from one person to the other.  She's getting lots of encouragement and is now clapping for herself when she makes it!

This is the Bible study we've started.

We read a couple more chapters from A Pioneer Sampler.

We read a book about a girl in South Africa and used her for our 'Children Just Like Me' page in our geography notebook.  Gavin also added an animal and he picked the elephant this week.

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