Monday, February 11, 2013

Has it really been eleven days since I last posted something?  I knew it had been a while but didn't realize it had been that long.  We had the flu run through the house a couple weeks ago and last week we were getting ready for Adelaide's birthday party so it's been hectic as usual around here.  We are actually taking this week off from school because we are having a Valentine's Day party at Austin's school on Wednesday morning and a Valentine's Day party for homeschool friends on Friday, I took a sick day today, and I figured we might as well take Tuesday and Thursday than try to stress to fit everything in.  We will use the two days to work on Gavin's science fair project so it won't be a complete loss.  

But, I thought I'd post some pictures from Adelaide's birthday party.  It was lots of fun and she had a great time.  Here she is petting her horse before her party.
No first birthday is complete without a highchair tutu!

For her birthday, the playhouse I made for her this summer out of a freezer box was put into her room.

Her party was an English tea party theme.  I had this great idea to make all kinds of little miniature foods.  After a day and a half of cooking little miniature things, and more still to make, I was kind of wondering why it seemed like such a great idea!  However, it turned out nicely.  We had cucumber sandwiches and egg sandwiches that were cut in teacup and teapot shapes, mini mac and cheese cups, English steak and ale pies, salmon bites, maple and banana cupcakes, fudge bites, cherry pies, English Madeleines and smores bites.  It was a little dessert heavy but as I was looking for recipes for some reason all the desserts sounded yummy...

And of course, the most important part, the cake.  It was a lemonade cake I'd gotten out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine last summer.  It wasn't as pretty as the one in Better Homes and Gardens, but that's why they don't pay me to make their cakes!  It tasted good either way!  Adelaide was being very dainty about the cake at the beginning.

Finally I put a piece on a fork and let her eat that.

It was a little different than anything she had tried before.

After that, she got the hang of it!

Then it was time to move on to the presents.

I'm not sure what this look was, she must not have gotten what she wanted!

She got lots of nice things and more things to chew on, which of course, is the most important thing when you are one.


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