Monday, May 13, 2013

Today we walked to the park.  As we were going around the lake to get to the playground we counted 69 turtles in the lake!  They were everywhere swimming around in herds.  It was incredible!  The first one we saw was a little lost turtle on the trail.  I'm not sure where he thought he was going.
Here's a few of the turtles.

And another patch of turtles!  The boys were really excited to see them all and count them.

I look lots of pictures of the kids on the playground since I haven't taken many pictures lately.  Here they are...

Adelaide's hat is left over from last year.  Her head isn't as big as it looks, it's just that the hat was too small!

Adelaide spent a long time trying to climb up the slide.  She was determined to make it to the top.  Luckily, she thought it was funny to slide back down so even though she never made it to the top she still had a good time.

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