Sunday, May 5, 2013

We had a great day Saturday as we spent the afternoon at a living history town from the 1850s.  They have 25 buildings that date to the early to mid-1800s and people in period dress.  It was a lot of fun!  

We almost didn't go since it was cloudy and looked like rain but the rain held off and while it was chilly, it wasn't cold, so we were glad we took the chance and went anyway.  

Here they are dancing around the maypole!
Adelaide loved the animals!

This lady was making biscuits (from scratch!) to cook in the fireplace.

The boys enjoyed exploring the buildings.  And while at the tavern and inn (from picture below, communal hotel rooms do not seem very attractive to me) Gavin met a soldier dressed in a cavalry uniform who was really into the Civil War (he had a great grandfather who fought through all four years) and he talked to Gavin for at least 20 minutes about the Civil War.  Both Gavin and the man where very happy to have someone to chat with. 

This is Austin in the barn with the kids and lambs.

It was sheep shearing day.  I was a little disappointed they used an electric razor instead of shears but the man who was shearing the sheep was missing most of his teeth so that lent and air of realism to the process to make up for it.

They had people cleaning the wool and then showed how it was carded and spun and made into thread.  It was very interesting and, since they were using the wool from the sheep that were being sheared, as you went through the farm you got to see each step in the process.  In the church, there were people making rugs and things with the thread.  Here Austin was telling me all about the process from shearing to final product.  He was very interested in the whole process.

The boys got to pretend to be a sheep!

And, we met Newt, the ox.  I had no idea an ox was just a cow that had been trained to wear a yoke!  Anyway, he was very, very big.  When standing, his back was higher than the top of my head!  I have never seen such a big cow.  But, he was super sweet and a very pretty animal.  Just look at that sweet face!  But, it was fun to see the type of animal that pulled the wagons across the prairies.  I also couldn't help but think about all the steak on this big guy, although he was much too sweet to turn into steak.

After she saw her brothers get to pet the ox, Adelaide walked right over for her turn.  I thought that was very brave of her!

We also got to visit the blacksmith, a woodworking shop, the general store and a law office as well as several houses.  We had a great time and the kids enjoyed all the activities.  

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