Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yesterday we celebrated Austin's birthday!  He was so funny when he woke up and I told him Happy Birthday he said, "I told my friends I would be four on my birthday!  Three is so little.  I'm big now!"  He had quite the celebration with cinnamon rolls for breakfast, cupcakes to take to school and a cake to eat at home.  Plus presents of course!

He had an apple Bundt cake with cream cheese filling and a caramel pecan frosting.  Not a traditional birthday cake but tasty nonetheless.

We have been doing some spring cleaning this week and today was window day.  Gavin helped by cleaning the screens.

Adelaide thought it was an interesting process.

So it wasn't long before she came over to help out.  

Austin could not be enticed to help.  He was too busy playing with his birthday presents!

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