Saturday, May 11, 2013

We had a busy but quiet week here.  Gavin enjoyed his first week of summer vacation and I have been cleaning out and organizing.  Today Austin had his birthday party with his friends.  I was a little worried since it has been cool and rainy the last two days but we had a beautiful day and the backyard wasn't too muddy.  It was windy but the kids didn't mind.

We welcomed people into the backyard/fire station.
We had lots of food, since it's hard to have a party without food!  This was before the party so most of the food wasn't out yet.

Here is Austin right before the party started.

Like food, you can't have a party without balloons!

More pictures of the food table...

Here is Austin during the party.  I asked him to smile as he ran by and he didn't stop for a second.

We had 5-Alarm Chili, fire hoses and cheese (mac n'cheese), flaming chips (Doritos) and Blazing hot dogs.

The kids were happy with the food.

They also had fun in the fire truck!

At the end of the party we armed the kids with water guns and told them Gavin was on fire and needed to be put out.  They had lots of fun chasing him around the yard!

Then they 'fired' at each other.

When it was all over, Austin was very happy with his party.

Here is a couple pictures of the goodie bags!

And the cupcakes.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute party! Love the cardboard Fire Truck! Thanks for choosing my printables and sharing your photos :)
