Monday, August 5, 2013

We have made it home safely and are cleaning up and recovering from our journey.  Here are some pictures of our last few days.  

We went to Cayuga Lake, which was a brisk 72 degrees.  Gavin and Adelaide didn't mind it and went right in, but Austin thought it was way too cold.
Adelaide got in her swimsuit a little after this and went right in to the water.

Gavin got to feed the seagulls one more time.

We went downtown and Gavin wanted to get his picture taken sitting on this big banana...which was actually in front of the adult bookstore so I tried to get him to get off it so we could leave as quickly as possible as it felt a little weird taking my son's picture there!

We made a surprise stop in Hershey, PA on the way home.

We took the tour to see how the chocolate is made.  Here are the cows telling us it's all about the milk!

Here are big containers of chocolate getting mixed.

At the end when all the different candies are being put in their wrappers and are flying all around you Adelaide started clapping very enthusiastically.  She really liked being surrounded by all that candy!  

The next day we went to Gettysburg, PA, which Gavin really wanted to go to.  I tried to explain it's five hours away from where we were going but he really wanted to go so we made it happen.  Here are the boys on top of Cemetery Hill.

We saw lots of very tall statues with men on horseback.

Here is Gettysburg National Cemetery.

And where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.

The boys took part in a special program about joining the army.  Here they are being sworn in.

It was an amazing program where they learned about what soldiers would wear, eat, do, etc.  While they were doing that Abraham and Mary Lincoln walked by.

Finally they were ready to learn how to march and drill.  It was a rag tag group of recruits to say the least.

They watched the lady perform the tasks that the 'captain' was telling her to do as far as marching and holding the guns and then the kids had to do the same thing.

They managed to march around a little bit and then they learned how to load and shoot their rifles.  They did this for a while and then pretended to be shooting at some Confederates who were sneaking up on them and then they got to charge the Confederates with their (pretend) bayonets.

Back inside we met with Mrs. Lincoln again (she changed her dress).  She talked to us for a while and then took her picture with the boys.

Adelaide wasn't super interested in Gettysburg but she did enjoy this particular monument on the top of Little Round Top.  I'm sure the man for whom it was for didn't mind.

Here is a picture looking down from Little Round Top.  Apparently there were Confederate snipers in the rocks in the distance.

That was our journey!  We all had a great time and the kids did great with all the traveling.  I was super impressed with them all.  Now it's back to our normal life.  We will be starting school next week so I will post some time this week with an overview of what we will be doing in second grade.  

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