Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday the boys and I went on yet another field trip.  Yes, that is three field trips in one week!  All the trips for the semester were planned at the same time but that's okay.  You can never complain when it comes to field trips!   This time we went on a bigger trip to Fort Osage and Missouri Town 1855.  We all had a great time and learned a lot!  Gavin had some questions he had to answer at both places.

He got to talk to this nice blacksmith and ask some questions.

Of course Austin's favorite thing was seeing the animals.

Today Gavin had a soccer tournament.  Adelaide was all decked out as his official cheering squad.  Her shirt has her name under the soccer ball and around the ball it says, "Gavin's Biggest Fan".  I'm pretty sure no one had anyone cuter cheering for them.  It must have worked because his team took second place in the tournament.  The final game was tied at the end and they lost in a sudden death overtime!  It was very exciting!

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